Photo by Nikki Doyle
MEDICAL REQUIREMENTS: As new information unfolds regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, we will update this link as we learn new requirements if any, for travel between Belize and the United States.
During our travels if anyone is exhibiting flu or COVID like symptoms, we will require that you take a COVID 19 test. We plan to bring a supply of testing kits, however please bring several personal kits. If someone tests positive, you will be isolated from the group until arrangements can be made for your possible evacuation from our program. All costs of an evacuation is the responsibility of each participant. Now more than ever, it is important to secure travel insurance. You may purchase through this link Travel Insurance or choose a company of your choice.
The Center For Disease Control has issued a set of recommendations for travel to Belize. In general, any travelers to third world countries should be up to date on measles (MMR), Tetanus (Td or Tdap), Hepatitis A, and Typhoid. Flu vaccines are recommended. There may be additional travel recommendations, so we encourage you to check with your health provider and the CDC Traveler’s Page for Belize for the latest travel updates. If possible, one should receive their travel immunizations 4-6 weeks prior to travel for maximum benefit. Although malaria is not a risk in Belize City or the cayes, we will be in the jungle or near swampy areas for 5 days. To my knowledge, no one has contracted Malaria over the last 35 years that I have led trips to Belize. Many participants have taken an anti-malarial drug while others have not. Your health provider can suggest an appropriate anti-malarial medication. The best recommendation for the prevention of malaria and dengue fever is using appropriate clothing and a strong, effective mosquito repellent (with DEET or Picarin). We travel through caves during our adventure, however we are not expecting bat exposures or recommending rabies vaccinations.
Please visit the CDC Traveler’s Page on Belize for updates and suggestions before you travel. All medical precautions are the decision of each participant. You may also consult a travel clinic that specializes in immunizations and travel updates. In Santa Cruz County, we have Dover’s Travel Clinic as a local resource.
Black Orchid Resort Double occupancy rooms designed for the eco-adventure traveler located on the Belize River. Private bathrooms with hot showers, pool and spa (Day One- morning of Day Four).
Hopkins Village Double to triple occupancy cabanas or rental house with private bathrooms/showers. Air Conditioned rooms are located in a traditional Garifuna village close to a sandy beach on The Caribbean Sea. ” (Day Four-Day Five).
Isla Marisol Resort on Glover’s Reef’s Southwest Island air conditioned cabanas with private bathrooms, kayaking, paddle boarding and a chance to snorkel with a pod of wild bottlenose dolphins that frequent this region of the atoll. Isla Marisol is a privately owned island with extra amenities and comforts. It is the only resort on the island thus providing an exclusive island experience (Day Six-morning of Day Ten).
BEFORE AND AFTER THE TRIP: Our 11 day itinerary covers a wide of cultural and natural wonders. If you would like to extend your trip, please consult a Belize travel guide available at most book stores or libraries. After reviewing the guide, feel free to call us with questions. We would be happy to make suggestions for extended travel based on your interests.
MAP OF BELIZE: To view a general map of Belize, please visit: Belize Maps
For more detailed maps visit: More Detailed Maps
Be sure to scroll down and review the cool map selection on the right side of the page.
Belize Tourist Board
General Info on Belize
Geography of Belize
Wildlife Conservation
PHYSICAL CONDITIONING: While experience in kayaking, snorkeling or hiking is not required to participate in this program, good general health is recommended. Most activities are optional. Your Blue Water Ventures guides will offer a variety of excursions each day for those who want to keep active. Some level of upper body conditioning is advisable to prepare for kayaking and snorkeling. Please call us if you have any questions regarding the activities planned 831 459 8548.
ACTIVITIES INCLUDED: Snorkeling, sea kayaking, paddle boarding, hiking through jungles, climbing Mayan ruins, boating and jungle tubing. Our hikes on the mainland range from 1-3 miles with some options for further distance. Our sea kayaking destinations range from a few hundred yards to 4 miles with options for further distance. You may pick and choose which kayaking and snorkeling activities you would like to participate in. Activities, especially kayaking are determined by marine conditions that are reviewed daily.
KAYAKING AND PADDLE BOARDING: We will have access to a variety of kayaks and SUPS (paddle boards) while on Glovers Reef. Double sit on top kayaks will be used for most of our group outings. These kayaks are ideal for exploring the warm tropical water of Belize. Just slide off your boat with your mask and snorkel on when you want to see what’s underneath you! Everyone will be checked out on kayaking skills and safety in the shallow lagoon in front of our Cabanas. Kayaking at Glovers is highly dependent upon marine conditions which we will closely monitor each day.
SNORKELING: Glover’s Reef Atoll, is a Marine Reserve and World Heritage Site approximately thirty miles east of the mainland. Coral atolls, a circular ring of reef and islands formed around a shallow turquoise lagoon, are rare in the Western Hemisphere. Your Blue Water Ventures naturalists are avid snorkelers eager to share information about reef ecology and fish behavior. We will offer informal talks and daily guided snorkeling excursions. We hope you will join us in the water as we explore and interpret this amazing ecosystem.
While we generally recommend bringing your own mask, snorkel and fins, you may rent equipment while at Glovers.
SNORKELING GEAR: Please test out new gear prior to arrival. If you have purchased a new mask, you will need to clean it at home and then test it. Repeat cleaning until it is fog free. It will be frustrating to have a new mask fog up on our first wildlife encounter. Instructions may be reviewed here Cleaning your Mask. If you are using new fins, try them out! Some fins which have a back heel strap will fit more comfortably with a wetsuit booty or wetsuit sock. Fins that lack the back strap usually don’t require a booty or sock. A visit to a local dive shop will help answer your questions on snorkeling gear.
IMPORTANT UPDATES ON SNORKEL GEAR: A few years ago, we learned about the potential dangers in full face masks. Apparently, in some models CO2 builds up inside the mask leading to blackouts, potentially fatal. Here are just a few articles regarding the dangers of full face masks. With that said, Blue Water Ventures is banning the use of full face masks while we snorkel in Belize and on all of our snorkeling programs. In Belize. we use fins and sometimes kick into some current or enjoy long snorkels. You may argue that you did your own research and purchased the top of the line full face mask. However, we can not assume this risk nor ask our guides to shadow anyone in the water who chooses to wear a full face mask. Full face masks can not be used.
SCUBA DIVING: Certified divers may arrange their own dives at Glover’s Reef. Scuba diving is not included in the price of this trip nor do we make any arrangements for diving. However, there will be opportunities to organize your own dives with the Padi dive master who lives on Glover’s Atoll. Credit cards are accepted as a form of payment for diving. An additional 10 % is added when paying by credit card. Please email Kim Powell for more details at
SEA SICKNESS PREVENTION: If you are prone to sea sickness, we highly recommend bringing some form of prevention. Medications such as Bonine or Dramamine are usually effective although drowsiness or thirst can be a side effect. Many clients have been very happy with Scopalimine patches that requires a prescription. Your local pharmacist or physician can advise you. Many health food stores will recommend herbal remedies such as Motionease for sea sick prevention and we have found this brand quite effective. In the past, several clients have successfully used “sea bands” which employ a pressure point on the wrists rather than medication. Sea Bands have no side effects and can be purchased at most dive shops or online at Prevention.
INSECT REPELLENT: Mosquitoes, black flies and sand gnats will be encountered in Belize. Avon Skin so Soft is the best defense against sand gnats found in coastal areas. A strong pump style repellent is good against mosquitoes and black flies that occur in the jungle. A layer of lightweight, light in color clothing is an effective defense against insects. In recent years, clients have been very happy with a Eucalyptus Lemon Natural Repellent as an alternative to products with Deet. We also highly recommend Avon Skin so Soft Bug Guard when we encounter no see ums (sand gnats).The skies are not black with insects. However, if you can’t tolerate a week of insect bites, a trip to the tropics is not for you!
CORAL SAFE SUNSCREEN: If you have had a chance to look over our website packing list, you will have noticed several brands of Coral Safe Sunscreens. There are many out there, some that claim to be safe but actually are not. A key ingredient to avoid is oxybenzone, harmful to marine life. Two brands that we personally like are: Raw Element and Stream2Sea, although there are other good brands on the market. Review this link for more details: Coral Safe We truly appreciate your consideration of coral safe sunscreen to help reduce our impact on the fragile marine ecosystem.
CAMERAS: Photographing jungle and marine scenes can be exciting as well as distracting! Sometimes its highly recommended to leave the camera behind and simply be in the moment! Your Blue Water Ventures guides will photo document your trip and we will send a photo link to you. Over the years, we have preferred the Olympus Tough Underwater Camera with the round lens rather than the square lens. Other clients have been extremely happy with the Cannon or Fiji underwater cameras. GoPro cameras work extremely well with their wide angle settings but are less effective for distance. Be sure to review your equipment prior to arrival. We will gladly offer any guidance on your equipment that we can.
ELECTRICAL OUTLETS: Throughout Belize, we will have access to a 110 volt electrical outlet which will accommodate recharging digital cameras, cell phones or other appliances. Several digital camera batteries and extra memory are still recommended while traveling.
WIFI CONNECTION: Your cell phones will work in most areas of Belize although calls back home can be expensive. We suggest that you call your provider to see what the fees are for calls and texting. Phone apps such as Facetime and WhatsApp should work when WIFI is available throughout most of the program.
HOW TO REACH OUR GROUP: Before we depart, we will send you an email with Belize contact numbers that family members may use in the event of an emergency back home.
DRINKING WATER: At each site, you will be briefed on policies towards drinking water. Obviously, we are extremely cautious with our decisions about potable water. Water consumed during our trip is purified and bottled.
TAKING SHOWERS: While on the mainland, our accommodations will have running water but quick showers are advisable to conserve water use. At Glovers, your Cabanas have showers or you may set up a sun shower
CLIMATE: May is typically warm and on the dry side, although moderate to heavy down pours are always a possibility in the tropics. Temperatures may range from upper 80’s to lows in the 70’s. We could potentially have even warmer temperatures as heat waves are harder to predict from year to year. Easterly trade winds may prevail keeping the temperatures pleasant while offshore, although we will experience higher humidity inland. All activities are optional. We plan to go slow and easy during most hikes with little elevation gain. However, if you are prone to heat stress, reconsider your participation on our Belize program or plan to skip certain activities. Please bring your preferred electrolytes to supplement those which we bring. If you are prone to heat stress, consider bringing a cooling mechanism such as a portable cooling fan or cooling neck ware. Several of our clients have brought a cooling neck tie or small cooling towels. During our first 3 days at Black Orchid, you may choose to stay pool side where howler monkeys are sometimes seen and often heard. Birding around Black Orchid, a river side resort is excellent. Please Bring a waterproof sun block/lip balm with a protection factor of 20 or higher.
CLOTHING: Loose fitting cotton or quick drying nylon work well in the tropics. Lighter colors seem more comfortable in the heat. Jeans take too long to dry out and are not recommended. Laundry is done by hand as needed by each participant.
APPROPRIATE DRESS: For the most part, the dress code is causal throughout Belize. However, at several sites we may suggest wearing t-shirts with sleeves (no tight fitting tank tops at these sites). By dressing conservatively, we are respecting the cultural norms of some Belizean people. When packing, please include several loose fitting, short sleeved t-shirts in addition to tank tops.
LOCAL CUISINE: Meals are Belizean in style and are an intricate part of our cultural experience. You may anticipate plenty of chicken, fresh seafood, rice and beans, local fruit, tortillas, fry jacks, Johnny cakes and other local breads. Vegetarian meals can be arranged upon request. Please specify any dietary restrictions or allergies on the waiver form that will be sent to you.
PASSPORTS: Everyone is required to have a current passport for entry into Belize. It usually takes 6-8 weeks to process a passport. For information on obtaining a passport, please visit: passports. Most post offices provide the service to process US passports. Visitors to Belize are required to possess a passport valid at least 30 days after the date of arrival. For more information visit passport requirements.
MONEY: US dollars are accepted throughout Belize. Small denominations (20 bills or less) are recommended since you will often receive Belizean dollars in change. There are some crafts – slate and wood carvings @ 10-50 dollars, and typical t-shirts @ 10-15 dollars. The only costs you are responsible for are: personal liquor, tips (see below) and any unscheduled motorboat excursions you wish to take. Certified divers will need to make payments for any dives they make. The dive master accepts credit cards for an additional 10% of cost. Credit Cards are accepted at most shops and restaurants.
TIPPING: It has always been our custom to tip our cooks who have joined us while at Glover’s Reef Atoll $100 per person which we gather at the end of our stay. On our new 2025 program. we have factored this tip into your final trip price. If you feel that your Blue Water Ventures assistant guides served you well, you may factor in a gratuity for them. We would suggest a $75-$100 per participant tip to be split among your BWV guides. All other tips to local guides, hotel staff and drivers will be taken care of by Blue Water Ventures. As is customary in hotels you may choose to leave a small tip in your room for hotel staff each morning. US dollars are fine, but no US coins.
National Bird of Belize
LUGGAGE: A medium to large duffel bag is recommended. Hard-shelled suitcases are acceptable, but since space is limited, soft duffels are preferable. Duffels or suitcases that have a rolling option are fine. Be sure to check with your airlines for the luggage restrictions that the chosen airline is requiring.
GIFTS: People often inquire about bringing gifts for teachers or children we meet along the way. This is certainly not expected. However, if you would like to donate something, appropriate gifts include: school supplies (crayons, pencils, construction paper, maps. water color paints, rulers, erasers, glue, etc.) children’s books, educational games including CD Roms. If you have a functional laptop or Ipad that you would like to donate to a teacher for use during the school year that would be a tremendous gesture. Funding for school and electronic supplies are extremely limited in the villages we will be visiting.
ILLEGAL DRUG USE: The Belizean government has very severe penalties for the use of illegal drugs. Do not bring illegal substances into or purchase/use them during this program. Products containing CBD oils or THC are illegal in Belize and should not be brought through customs.
Phone: (831) 459-8548
Santa Cruz, California
Monday – Saturday:
9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Sunday CLOSED