Dear Extreme Camper and Parent:
I would like to welcome you to our Marine Extreme Coastal Exploration Camp. The following letter will help you plan for 4 great days exploring our incredible coast. We are so eager to get our local youth back outdoors by providing our adventurous and educational summer camp.
Our camp will not exceed 12 campers plus our Blue Water Ventures Guides and interns.
Scroll down for packing list and other trip details, Each day plan to dress as you would for a day at the beach. Dress in layers and be prepared for hot sunny days or cool fog laden ones. Bring a lunch and water bottle. Be sure to have sunscreen on or with you every day of camp. Each day start with your bathing suit on and wear shoes that can get wet either when kayaking or exploring our coastal beaches. Please refer to our itinerary below for details on our daily activities.
Trip Dates: June 4th-7th, 2024 Trip Costs 4-6 campers $400 7-11 Campers: $350
Registration: To register for this program please email Kim Powell at to confirm if there is space on our roster. Once confirmed, send a deposit of $100 to: BWV, 127 Mason Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95060. Space is limited and only guaranteed with a deposit. The balance of $250 0r $300 is due by April 20th. As an alternative, you can make an online payment for $100 or final payment of $250 or $300 at our secure payment center
Cancellation Policy and Travel Insurance: A full refund of your deposit is given if cancellations are made before May 1st. After May 2nd, no refunds are given unless we can fill your space on the roster. Please scroll down for more information on travel insurance. During the era of COVID-19, we highly recommend Travel Insurance, that will protect your investment.
Day One, campers will be taught kayaking skills and safety in Moss Landing Harbor. We will be using sit on top style kayaks. The day will include a combination of paddling skills, rescue methods, fun games and activities. Wetsuits will be provided since students will be getting out of their boats during games and rescues. If you want to use your own wetsuit that’s fine. Please bring it on Day One. Most kids really love learning rescues.
Campers will meet at North Moss Landing Harbor that accesses Elkhorn Slough and finish up there at 2:00pm. We will meet you at the public boat launch ramp at 9:30am in North Moss Landing Harbor just behind Monterey Bay Kayaks, 2360 Hwy One (before the bridge, on the right; if you go over the bridge and past the stalks on the left you have missed the turn into North Moss Landing Harbor).
Day Two we will meet Blue Water Ventures at 8:30am, 127 Mason St. and caravan to a location along Highway 9 to access the San Lorenzo River. Your child needs to be picked up at the same location on Highway 9 at 2:30pm. River shoes should be worn today (no flip flops or crocs) as we hike through the forest and to the river. Bring your goggles or mask/snorkel. You may also wear hiking or tennis shoes and bring your river shoes with you. Wetsuits are recommended. When you get on Highway 9/River Street the first traffic light is on the corner of Encinal and River St which is across from the Tannery Art Center. The Ox Parking lot is 4.3 miles from this traffic light, on the right side of the road.
Day Three, we’ll meet at the Santa Cruz Wharf at 9:30am and end there at 1:30pm. Campers will be kayaking and exploring the kelp beds using goggles or mask/snorkel.
Day Four, we will meet at Blue Water Ventures at 7:00am, 127 Mason St. and caravan/carpool to Davenport Landing for a day of tidepooling and beach exploration.
Here’s a List of How to Dress During Camp
Dress in layers — Fleece, capilene, silk or wool are good insulators; bring a warm top that can be put on if cool weather (fog) approaches. Fleece, capilene, silk or wool are good insulators and are required each day, no cotton as it does not keep you warm when wet.
Wetsuit or we will provide one for you, Optional Rash Guard can be worn under wetsuit Bathing Suit—arrive with it on each day of camp
Wind breaker or paddling jacket
Footgear – Tennis shoes, Teva type sandals or wet suit booties — any style is fine; they will get wet as you wade in to launch your boat or explore coastal areas. On our river day, please wear a sturdy tennis shoe for hiking and bring wet shoes for the river, no crocs permitted as they don’t offer enough support.
Hat with visor for sun protection
Water bottle non disposable
Lunch in a compact lunch bag –take in boat with you
Sunscreen and lip balm
Sun glasses (or prescription glasses) attached with a leash
Binoculars and camera in waterproof bag ( use at your own risk)
Small, compact daypack
Change of clothes for ride home to be left in car
COVID PROTOCOL: Please review our COVID-19 Protocol for our kayaking programs at: COVID-19 UPDATE
A COVID UPDATE March 4th, 2024:
We are happy to be entering into world where there is less concern regarding the Covid-19 virus. However, we continue to exercise caution. If a child becomes ill prior to camp and can not attend, no refunds will be given. However, we highly recommend Travel Insurance, that will protect your investment, especially in the COVID-19 era. For a 10 year old, The World Wide Protector Plan which has the “cancel for any reason” add on feature is only $65. Please Follow the link above or consider other travel insurance companies. We realize insurance is an added costs. However, if you search around for other marine education camps in Santa Cruz, our program costs are very reasonable and travel insurance is an affordable tool to protect your investment.
If an elevated temperature is suspected, please take your child’s temperature. If your child’s temperature exceeds 100 and/or if they exhibit any flu, cold or Covid like symptoms, they will not be able to participate in camp.
The health and well being of your child and our guides are our upmost priority. As information from the CDC is released or revised regarding camps, we will provide updates here.
I look forward to our extreme adventure along our great coastal areas!
Very Sincerely,
Kim Powell, MRPA
Owner, Operator & Naturalist
Blue Water Ventures
phone & fax: 831-459-8548
127 Mason St., Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Follow us on Facebook or Instagram
Phone: (831) 459-8548
Santa Cruz, California
Monday – Saturday:
9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Sunday CLOSED