Yesterday while surrounded by literally 1000’s of beginner surfers, floaters and swimmers, a 10 year old boy asked his dad, “what’s this?” I asked permission to give the wide eyed inquisitive young man a lesson in nature. From eviseration to […]
Yesterday while surrounded by literally 1000’s of beginner surfers, floaters and swimmers, a 10 year old boy asked his dad, “what’s this?” I asked permission to give the wide eyed inquisitive young man a lesson in nature. From eviseration to […]
Perhaps obvious to many why zebras may be stripped although there are actually many theories out there. Like the “convict tangs” we swam with yesterday, the design may be examples of disruptive coloration. Indeed the school of tangs blended together […]
Its Cephalopod week, honoring that amazing class of Mollusks. Cephalopods include the octopus, squid and cuttlefish, though not a fish at all! They are soft bodied marine invertebrates with extraordinary sensory capabilities, masters of camouflage and great intelligence. A few […]
Phone: (831) 459-8548
Santa Cruz, California
Monday – Saturday:
9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Sunday CLOSED